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Yao Ming JUST Graduated, And Is Proof That It's Never Too Late To Get Your Degree

He graduated at the age of 38!
18 Jul 2018, 06:00 PM

Main image via World Of Buzz

Many of us are under the perception that we need to graduate at our early twenties and society makes us believe that if we graduate any later than that, we are not smart or hardworking enough.

But Yao Ming set to prove that wrong! The famous basketball player recently graduated at the age of 38 with his first degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University!

yao ming just graduated, and is proof that it

The former NBA star is the fourth tallest man (and one of the most popular meme) in the world and he retired back in 2011 and decided to fulfill his promise to his parents to complete his tertiary education.

yao ming just graduated, and is proof that it

yao ming just graduated, and is proof that it

“At a certain stage in the future, you should try to combine your future with the future of the society, because that’s how you can find larger space for yourself to explore.”

“Trust me, when a man spends seven years in university to graduate at age 38, he knows what he’s talking about.” 

yao ming just graduated, and is proof that it

He revealed that he thought of giving up sveral times, but pushed himself and finally manage to graduate after spending seven years in university!

yao ming just graduated, and is proof that it

Defintiely an inspiration to us! Not only did he keep his promise, he also showed us to never give up and that it’s never too late to graduate!

Info via World Of Buzz

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