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Lions Are Chilling On Roads As Humans Stay Home During Lockdown

Nap time looks great here!
19 Apr 2020, 08:00 PM

Main image via Twitter

With more and more humans retreating into their homes to help stop the spread of COVID-19, many animals are coming out of their habitats and taking over.

From a pack of wild mountain goats taking over a town in the UK to puppies and kittens taking over aquariums in the USA, animals all over the world are having fun outdoors while we stay in.

Now, adding to the “animal takeover” is a pride of lions in South Africa who have taken over the roads!

lions are chilling on roads as humans stay home during lockdownImage via CNN

South Africa is currently under a lockdown and most residents are staying home to curb the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

This has given a pride of lions from South Africa’s Kruger National Park, the perfect opportunity to enjoy the peace and quiet.

Images of these magnificent big cats lounging on a road - who seem totally unbothered by the presence of photographer, park ranger Richard Sowry, have been making their way around social media.

lions are chilling on roads as humans stay home during lockdownImage via Twitter

“This lion pride are usually resident on Kempiana Contractual Park, an area Kruger tourists do not see,” the park tweeted. “This afternoon they were lying on the tar road just outside of Orpen Rest Camp.”

The area is usually busy with tourist but since the national park has been closed to the public, the lions have ventured further than their norm.

“Lying on the road during the daytime is unusual because under normal circumstances there would be traffic and that pushes them into the bush,” park spokesman Isaac Phaahla said to CNN.

All over the Twitterverse, people are amazed at these lazing big cats and many are overjoyed at these animals taking back what’s theirs.

It makes us so happy that these lions are enjoying themselves! It’s definitely true, Mother Nature is celebrating while the humans stay indoors!

While we’re incredibly happy to see these animals out and about, be sure to keep playing your part by staying home to stop the spread of COVID-19! Together we can #FlattenTheCurve!

Stay updated with the latest COVID-19 news here:

Info via CNN

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